• Our Mission

    At the heart of Liberty Liberal Arts Academy lies a mission to intertwine academic excellence with real-world applications. Our approach, rooted in respect for individual sovereignty, peaceful parenting, and a profound love of learning, ensures each student is …

  • Curriculum & Approach

    Catering to preschool through high school, we boast a diverse curriculum encompassing language arts, social sciences, math, and science. Our educational ethos hinges on personalized learning, adapting and molding the academic …

  • Beyond Academics

    Extracurricular activities are as diverse as our students, with pursuits ranging from archery and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu to content streaming and rock music performance. Community participation, Scouts, and group field trips underscore our commitment to holistic …

  • Academic Quality

    As an independent family homeschool, enrollment is exclusive, ensuring a bespoke, one-on-one educational journey. Academic rigor is upheld through curated curriculums from reputable organizations, with a flexibility that ensures each student’s pace …

Join Our Journey

Though our enrollment is exclusive to family members, we are a resource and a testament to the power of personalized, respectful, and loving education. Our doors are always open, virtually, to share insights, experiences, and the fruits of a decade-long journey in the enriching world of homeschooling.

Welcome to Liberty Liberal Arts Academy – where education meets enlightenment, and learning is a journey of personal and academic liberation.


    Families for Home Education
    Home School Legal Defense Association

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